Thursday, February 19, 2015

Flag #2

My originally designed flag:




(I forgot to add a watermark with my blog URL, but trust me, it's real).

Monday, February 16, 2015

Flag #1

My Canadian Flag



(I changed my settings to 0.2 seconds per frame because I personally think it made mine look better).

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Planet Creator

Planet Creator (AKA - The most time consuming game in existence)

(Male Planet)

(Female Planet)


Such a waste of time... Sorry, but its true..

My Grade (HTML)


My Top 3 (things to do on the internet)

My top 3 favorite things to do on the computer are as follows:

1).  Surfing YouTube

Almost everyday I use YouTube. I enjoy watching YouTube more than I do TV or Movies. I find that watching original content on YouTube is more entertaining.  Especially when you have such a vast array of channels. There is literally a channel for everything.

2). Video Games, (Minecraft)

Not necessarily just Minecraft, but video games in general. Depending on how i'm feeling that day, I might throw on some League of Legends or maybe even something else. It's really up in the air, but Minecraft one is a game that never gets old for me.

3). Facebook

Along with YouTube, I use Facebook everyday to connect with friends. And a lot of the time I find myself getting lost on my Facebook feed.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

My Grade Prediction

My grade prediction this semester in Information Technology is a solid "A"


I don't necessarily think I am going to get an "A+", I'll probably miss a few classes, and I might be late with a few assignments, but in the end, I hope to work hard enough to receive a decent 86% by the end of this class.