Thursday, June 11, 2015

Minecraft Building

I begun my project at this patch of grass, near a village.


After a class of working on it (far from complete)

Friday, June 5, 2015


 Well, apparently I was suppose to post once a day updating my blog with what I did...


It's Friday and this is my first (technically second) post...


I started the week learning how to play the game using the default vehicle,
(following screenshots are from earlier this week)


The default vehicle, about to go under the knife.



You could say it looks like a downgrade, and you'd probably be right.
I was going for something less bulky and more slick.
I was at least successful in that.

Practicing with her,

Taking her to a real battle:

Didn't end well...

Thursday, May 28, 2015

MIT App Inventor: "Im the bong lord"...

Pretty cool program, too bad it can't make phone calls. :/
Or maybe it can and I just don't know.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Alamo - "Antonio López de Santa Anna".

Sometimes known by his nickname, "The Napoleon of the West", Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna was a Mexican politician. Who later went on to become the 8th official Mexican president in 1833. He was born in Xalapa City, Vercruz, Nueva Espana. He was among the earliest of military leaders in Mexico, and was famous for his efforts in ending Spanish attempts to recapture the country. He later led an attack on the Alamo Mission against Texan defenses for Mexican Independence. He won the battle and went on to later pass away at the age of 82 in Mexico City on June 21st 1876.


Don't even ask...

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Alamo - "Davy Crockett".

(August 17, 1786 - March 6 1836) - David "Davy" Stern Crockett was an American frontiersman from East Tennessee. Dave grew up to be made a colonel in the Lawrence County militia. By 1821, he was elected to the Tennessee state legislature. He was known to commonly oppose most of the policies set in place by president Andrew Jackson, which eventually led to his defeat in 1831 elections. However, he had won again two years later, but it nearly came to a close again, which lead him to angrily depart to Texas. Which is where he joined part in the Texas Revolution, that lead to his death during the Battle of the Alamo.


A fun little video from Hannah Barbera, showcasing Davy Crockett and his situation with the Native Indians.

The Alamo (March 6, 1836)

(February 23 - March 6, 1836) - After several months of small fights between Texan and Mexican forces, Mexican troops had began a 13 siege against the Alamo Mission located in San Antonio, Texas. In an effort for Mexican independence, president: General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna inevitably authorized an attack, killing any and all Texan defenders.

reference link:


A good representation of the battle from the classic 1960 film based on the Battle of the Alamo:

(unfortunately, the audio in this video cuts out early on, but I think anybody above the age of 10 could image the sounds one would encounter during a battle like this).

Flag #4

My coat of arms flag: 


As you can see, I used my last name as my coat of arms. (I literally typed in my last name on Google and that came up, so why not).

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Alamo - Minecraft: Day #1

The beginning stages of our Alamo.

What we have done as of now:

(Partner - Connor)

Friday, March 13, 2015

Minecraft - Day #2 (Waterfall) *(COMPLETE)*

Our finished Waterfall.

Its not perfect, but oh well. It doesn't give much of an Optical Illusion effect, but the foundation is complete and fully functional.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Minecraft - Day #1 (Waterfall)

Day one on our project, got quite a bit done.

As of right now, we have just built the foundation for our waterfall. The trick is to make it have a visual illusion, but that comes later.

(partner is Connor)

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Flag #3


My flag pretty much represents all of Canada's stereotypes.

Which Includes:

-Tim Horton's
-(pretty much) Legal Weed
- Maple Syrup

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Flag #2

My originally designed flag:




(I forgot to add a watermark with my blog URL, but trust me, it's real).

Monday, February 16, 2015

Flag #1

My Canadian Flag



(I changed my settings to 0.2 seconds per frame because I personally think it made mine look better).

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Planet Creator

Planet Creator (AKA - The most time consuming game in existence)

(Male Planet)

(Female Planet)


Such a waste of time... Sorry, but its true..